A Little About Myself

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Formal Reveiw, What did you like about having a blog in a reading and writing course?

During taking English 100 the task of blogging was introduced. At first I was just a little skeptical, about how it was going to work in a reading/writing class. I liked the whole idea, because to me the thought of not having to write extra was great. After doing my first blog my opinion changed, as I started to type and neared the end of the post I realized that it wasn't all that bad. The blog enabled me to put my opinion down in a more convient way than writing it on paper, yet I was still writing in a different form. I really enjoyed writing blogs, as it also made me feel more comfortable writing my papers. The blogging was simple and easy to understand, and made it even more enjoyable to write without having to write something on paper by hand.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Evaluation of Task 4

What is the thesis for your paper?
How my view on reading has changed, and the importance of it from elementary school to college.
-Reading in the past living through time reading has been a major part of life, without realizing it i was reading and and becoming educated everyday of my life.

List the main points you make in your paper.
-Growing up with reading in the past and future.
-Jordan's essay Becoming Educated it gave me a new vision on reading.
-From elementary through up to college I have been becoming educated through reading material.

What was the most helpful advice you received from your peer evaluation?
-I was not present for the peer review but I was able to have my girlfriend look at it. Brittany was able to help me understand a little better of what I was writing, as well as help with my punctuation, and grammar usage.

What was the most helpful information you received in class for your paper?
-Being able to receive help in class and get ideas of what to write about for the task 4 assignment.

How many drafts of this paper do you think you wrote and how/when did you write them?
-In this task I actually had to break down notes and ideas of what to write before I actually sat down and wrote task four rough draft on paper. After getting a clear idea of what I was going to write I sat down and wrote this paper in a two day period as I struggled with task paper.

What would you do differently with this paper to make it more effectively, or what did you try to do that you just don't think you got a good handle on?
-If I could of I probably would of spent more time on it, I felt kinda rushed as other classes had papers due, and I wanted to try and get this one right knowing it wasn't going to be looked at by someone who really gives views on the paper.

What are most pleased with about this paper?
- I believe on this paper, I was able to relate to the essay pretty well I believe and was able to show some supporting detail.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Richard Rodriguez questions for reflection and writing

My relationship with books is not a big one, I usually try to avoid reading if at all cost. Throughout growing up I have never had reading pushed on me, or have someone really control what I read, except for like 4th grade when we were given incentive to read and write book reports. If we did do the task of actually reading the book and doing the book report we would receive a book it which was like a coupon you could use at pizza hut for a reward, of you reading the book. Throughout school I have also been distant from reading because through my elementary and Jr high school years It came to my attention that I had a speech problem, one that I still do today though not as bad. I had to take a speech class for stuttering, something that has always been embarrassing to me, and what made it worse was I had to read aloud in class were other students would make fun and laugh at me of course. After that I don't really read unless it's over an assignment or something I love to do. Like Rodriguez my aunt and my mom were both avid readers. Though they never forced it on me, and knew if they did it would of been pointless because I probably wouldn't of even tried to read any of the books. Throughout the years I have improved on that concept now  I'll read an assignment and not even think about it, now being back in school and having been through so much I have the desire to take it upon myself and read. Like Rodriguez in a way as well when I read thing's I didn't always comprehend things to well. Through time I have learned to do so, I remember on the day of my registering I was nervous about taking a place test for reading. Going into that test I stayed confident that I could read the material and understand it and that's exactly what I did testing out of reading something I probably would of never done before. As time goes on we all use reading in some form whether be at school, work, or on the Internet you have to read. Rodriguez was bound to read even  though his parent's didn't really approve of it. My aunt in the same way kinda helped discouraging me from reading, and do what I had to do to get by. I didn't like the idea of that and decided to start reading on something I enjoy. No, it may not of been big classics, but just book on cars mostly and some scary, though my favorite book is white fang. Rodriguez and I have things in common, Though now things are a little different, with time reading changes as so did Rodriguez and so am I..

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Douglas Question Reflection and Writing

Douglas story and my story are different because of how he had to learn and how I learned. I was offered schooling out of a public school and access to technology that was not offered then. My environment usually a friendly one, was with a teacher and other classmates who I could look up to or speak with about school. Attending a school were race was not an issue and, not having to run and hide while trying to learn and become educated. Douglas was a slave and was only offered reading and writing while under certain people. He did not have the option of attending a school with other students and teachers. He while reading a newspaper would get it taken away, because if he learned it was looked down upon. Slave owners were afraid of a slave becoming educated as they may become smarter or more knowledgeable than that of the slave owner. He had to come up with other ways to learn and become creative to do so. Douglas and I don't really have any similarities even though being of African American descent, I never had to struggle to receive education. I was also taught by a teacher which he was not offered, he was his own teacher in the ideas he came up with to learn.

Self-Evalutation Task Three

What is the thesis for your paper?
I thought I had the class in the bag that is until one day she kept me after and dropped a changing letter from the alphabet on me the F word.

List the main points you make in your paper.
How my teacher Mrs. Evans brought to my attention I would fail her class.
That students, teachers, and parents need to take school more seriously
If being told I was going to fail helped me in the long run.

What was the most helpful advice you received from your peer evaluation?
In this peer review some of the smaller things were pointed out to me such as commas, spelling, and usage of my words.

What was the most helpful information you received in class for your paper?
In class the one thing that helped was the example paper to give me somewhat of an idea of how to write this paper.
How many drafts of this paper do you think you wrote and how/when did you write them? 
I had 3 drafts one I combined 2 of the essay's, but didn't like it then did the other 2 over the F Word.

What would you do differently with this paper to make it more effectively, or what did you try to do that you just don’t think you got a good handle on?
I think it would of been more effective if I could of used 2 essays, I was unsure of how to combine them and tried but it didn't turn out.

What are you most pleased with about this paper?
I was pleased about my sentence structure, I believe I did better on it and made improvement with the use of my words and grammar such as their, and there.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Experiences with reading and writing

  English 100, not what I had expected. When I came into this class I was worried about if I was going to struggle, and really have to fight to succeed in this class. I have never been big on reading and writing just always would barely do what I had to in order to get by. I was wrong in this case this course has showed me that reading and writing can be useful in personal gain, as in releasing feelings or just being able to express what you know in a different format. I came in thinking I was going to be writing paper after paper which I have in a way, but nothing has gone as bad as I thought it would. Working with Blogger.com has been a amazing experience and something that I have enjoyed in my writing. Other student essays that I have read have helped me to see that it is ok too put yourself out there, and whatever has gone on in your life you shouldn't be ashamed of, as we all are different and have our own experiences, and opinions on issues. Sometimes during reading an essay I wouldn't understand but through class discussions it has helped me to understand more of what I have read or will read in the future. Not only can I write a paper now, but can read a essay and analyze and summarize it after reading. That is something before if you asked me to do I would of just looked at you with the expression of what the heck are you talking about. Now that I have taken this course I feel that I have learned things I didn't know, and things I have forgotten. I can now actually sit and read an essay and not stop until I have completed the reading and I have a full understanding of it. My writing as came from nowhere because of this course, and having a teacher that actually relates to you as a student and will acknowledge if struggling. By writing these papers it has helped me out in my other classes as I wasn't getting the grades I wanted on other papers written for rest of my classes. I have come to enjoy reading in a way and writing, and just how I can release and how I fell and see how many people I can actually relate to with there fillings, past experience, struggles, and happy moments of overcoming the fear of something.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Reflection task #3

I have decided on  writing about In "Becoming Educated" by Barbara Jordan, and "In Praise of the F Word", by Marry Sherry. As I also went through trials in education. Mine were not the same as she put in alot of time and work into her education. My education really didn't go to the plus side until now while being in college. While in my middle school years, and high school I had the I don't care attitude towards school, but had high hopes at the time to pursue a career in art. I always took the time during class to work on projects or assignments from Art Instruction Schools. After completion of the Art school in 2003, as well as graduating high school as was at a stand still and did not know were to go from there. As the Art field didn't play out as planned and I didn't take my high school years seriously. Jordan wrote "I could not afford to flunk", throughout my high school years I couldn't afford to flunk, so I did what I had to too get by in school. But for some reason I worked hard and put all my time into art. Now because I am paying the consequence and have to work harder now than ever before while working a full time job. As well as other factors that played out through my school years, some other topics are I was one of two African American kids in one of the schools I was enrolled in. How I was behind after moving from 2 different communities, and cultures. How Being a athlete in school led me to become more educated, after being told the F word.

Friday, October 29, 2010

In Praise of the F Word

 Sherry's essay "In Praise of the F Word", I enjoyed very much as the title you expect she is talking about the F word in profanity terms. But after getting started you realize that's not what it's about but about failure. Sherry also talks about how telling a student he will fail encourages him to change his attitude and care. The essay also makes a point about education now days that if you just pass someone on there not getting educated but on there way to failure. Failure is a strong word and I know personally if I am told that  im going to fail something i'll strive to do better in the fear of not passing or succeeding at something. I also experienced myself as I hate math with a passion. My freshman year in high school I was in spanish, and my teacher was one of the track coaches at the time. Well I took advantage of that and would rarely show up, until she told me she was going to fail me if I didn't start showing up to class. I was in shock so I took it seriously and did end up showing up to class and passing. Sherry's essay was good and made excellent points, as well as telling what teachers are doing today and what needs to be done about it, letting kids know they can and will fail if they don't try.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Kozol examines

While reading Kozols stories in the book Savage Inequalities, so far I have noticed that one aspect that Kozol analyzes is the teachers. As teachers have a role that they play in children's life's, and whatever decisions they make or do in the classroom affect the children's decisions later on in life. Or possibly at that moment it may alter a choice that they have to make on the spot. In the story "Other People's Children", Kozol states a phrase in regards to the teachers and or school board, " They can't read, but give them the diploma. The parents don't know what's going on. They're satisfied." That's wrong by no means should any teacher or faculty in a school settle for less than the best from students. By some teachers not caring it will effect some later on in life. While I attended school I hated math and still do. My seventh grade year I had a teacher who did not care, was never on time , and would just show up to be there and collet the paycheck. This class was my math class, because I seen this over and over I didn't care either and was lucky if I even showed up to class. In result I fell behind in math and in result now in my life it has come back to haunt me in the end. Yes teachers now could try harder, and should take more pride in there students as its more rewarding to both sides and is the right thing to do instead of just giving up because of the neighborhood, parents, and families, or just because that check suits you. And you want to leave a posisitive future for time to come as these kids are the future.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Why did you decide to come to college?

I decided to go to college because of personal reasons, goals of being successful, wanting to make better income for the future to support a future family. In 2009 my little brother passed away, which is what has played a role in me coming back to school. I also have always wanted to attend college and prove to myself that I am something, and not somebody else just out in the world struggling to survive. Just attending college is a goal to me alone, in taking the step and coming back to school. Later on in life I do want to have a future family and kids. I want to be able to support my family in all needs and provide what I wasn't able to grow up with and enjoy. Being financial stable is huge in life, and I fill going back to school can help me reach that goal. Without it I might be working that 9-5, not being happy and struggling living that paycheck to paycheck life. Hopefully school turns out for the best, and I just have to keep at it and not stop for no reason.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Let Teenagers Try Adulthood

Botsein assumes that the audience will agree with schooling in getting rid of middle school. As he states "elementary school should begin at age 4 or 5, and that we should entirely abandon the concept of the middle school and junior high school". No I have to disagree with what he thinks, because I beleive you can't have that seperation of age in the same building. Kids might tend to act more inmature or some cases mature, and puts a at risk factor for younger kids being exposed to situations there not ready to deal with. Peer pressure would be off the charts by doing this as well, and sorry to say but I think It would do nothing but make things worse. I would keep schools how they are now though you still have your cliques, and peer pressure it just wouldn't be with older kids having contact with the younger kids, they would all be around the same age group.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

When College Fails Us question

My experiences with college so far have been good. So far it has been positive and nothing negative about college for me. I am in college because I want to pursue a career that I want to do the rest of my life. Currently I drive a forklift at a warehouse, the money and atmosphere is good, but not were I want to be my whole life. College is worth the time, effort, and money if you know what you want out of it. If you attend college having no path your going to hit a dead end, and be out money and time that could of been spent somewhere else. Yea some schools are more expensive but you get what you pay for now days so in the long run if you know what you want, and the money is there I say go for it.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Children Left Behind Summary

The story, Children Left Behind was about the struggle of inner city kids compared to kids that 
went to schools that had money and support. It express how the conditions of the school play a factor of how kids learn, and retain knowledge in being in a comfortable environment. Makes good point of how some teachers in inner city schools, just show up to collect a paycheck, not worried if the students pass or fail or were they end up in the future. And how if you were a child lucky enough to not attend one of these schools then you would benefit from it. Also compares schools and just how you benefit more from having better things and who has a better chance at moving on in life.

How task two interview went

I don't have any questions remaining, I believe everything was covered.

It was rather easy after having the outline, Kyle made the drive from Kansas so I could interview him. During the interview I typed up his responses so I would have them in front of me to work with.

The interview was conducted at my house in the office room.

I learned alot in regards to his views on education, and why he dropped out, and his future plans.

I'm not really sure what you mean by transition to the writing process?

My sentence structure still worried me a little, and that I wasn't able to correct all my mistakes.

By having other people do a review of my paper, the peer review hasn't helped that much depending who I was paired with. And taking my time and reading the paper out loud to myself so I can try and catch any mistakes I made.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Reponse To task two

- The thesis of my paper is, Kyle has a strong opinion about education and a good reason for it.

-Some of the main points are:
* Who kyle is and what he does for a living now.
* Kyle's opinion on education and sports and, if education can benefit you in sports.
* If education was a positive experience or negative and why, and who influence his opinion.

-The peer review helped me see that my sentence structure needs some more work. And in just pointing out the small mistakes I made in some spelling and commas.

- Getting a outline of what to do was a tremendous help, before that I had no idea of were to begin and was stressed out about it. The outline helped me get over that.

- On this paper I received 3 pages worth of info, outline, and wrote my first draft then typed it out after words. As well on this paper I sat and wrote the entire paper in one sitting.

- I wrote the paper out first then I typed it out, also creating the outline was a big plus in helping me with the paper.

- I was most pleased with this paper in the fact that I wrote it in the correct format, because at first I was unsure if I had done so.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Becoming Educated

When I graduated from high school, I did not know what I wanted to do with my life or what career I wanted to pursue, yet my mother, and aunt wanted me to continue my education. My mom attended college so it was very important to her that my brothers, I did. I believed that getting a college education was what I was supposed to do to become a educated person. Though at that time in 2003 when I graduated I was doubtful on college I had no clue what I wanted to get into at the time. I also was lacking on enthusiasm and commitment I just wouldn't of had my heart into it. An educated person is not only someone who has a degree or high school diploma, but also someone with a general knowledge about many subjects and ideas.  He or she should be able to observe, understand, form an opinion, and communicate with others in life. Being that I rarely paid attention to such issues as government, the environment, schools, and finances.  I  learned about these over time, and now at the age of 26 consider them important in every day life. An educated person has a continued desire to learn the rest of his or her life.  Since I have returned to school, I now have the ambition and the drive to obtain a degree and a goal to do the best that I can, though working a full time job doesn't make it easy at all.  When I am not in classes, I work hard at my job, and trying to accomplish any homework and gain more knowledge each day in and out of the class room.  Occasionally I am reminded of the immature teenager I once was by some of my younger classmates.  I'm curious if they realize they are jeopardizing their educations when they ignore the hard work and skip classes. An educated person is someone with a clear contact between his or hers education and society and someone who can apply what he has learned and use those skills to better people’s lives as well as your own. Your certification is in your degree.  You may think of it as the ticket to the good life, such as making money and going on in life with a loved one. We mostly think of an educated person as having a degree and finished with learning.  I know of no one person who could possibly know everything.  I believe an educated person is always changing day and night at any given moment, is at a different learning level.  Learning is a life long process where the many experiences we face help us out later in our lifes especially in society.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Some Questions for Task Two

Here is a list of some questions that I plan on asking my brother for the interview. I believe these questions will be good to find out what he currently thinks about education, and what he thought in the past about education. You will know his current job status and what his future plans are or goals he may have. And to just really find out what he thinks about getting a higher education, if it's just a waste of his time and what he could be doing in the world without the higher education level. All around I think these are some good questions. If you think otherwise please let me know, I would greatly appreciate it thank you.

Why have you not gone back to school?                                                                                              Were is it you work at now job wise and why?                                                                                        What is your view on school do you think it is negative or posisitive?                                                         Have you ever thought about going back to school?

Do you see MMA as a way out of a higher education
Do you ever regret dropping out of college and and why?

I apologize I don't know what the deal is with my post it's showing up on my edit post in order, than on my blog it's moving my questions around for some reason.

    Puerto Rican Childhood, Question for Reflection and Writing

    Cuento, is a Spanish word meaning literally "story" or "tale". Cuento may specifically refer to folk tales, a category of folklore that includes stories passed down through oral tradition. For example, when you were young your mom might have told you a cuento. A cuento could be like, Little Red Riding Hood, or The Three Little Pigs, and even Cinderella. All those are cuentos story's or a fairy tale your mom might have read to you while you were little. In the reading of A Partial Remembrance of a Puerto Rican Childhood the word is used in the same manner, except that the cuento is based on telling about what it was like to be a Puerto Rican woman, about a real life subject. The passage talks about life on the island and life in the United States, New York City, and California and tells the story or cuento of a Puerto Rican woman. For example, I am going to attempt to write a short cuento about what I experienced when I was younger.
    As I would sit there calm, being quiet sitting in front of the couch. My mother Donella, would sit behind me while braiding my hair, and tell me things I might face in my life being a mixed African American. One story that has always stuck with me, for some reason it hit me the most. She told me that when I was  six years of age, she took me to the doctor's office, known as Kaiser Permante in Kansas City, MO. I was there to get a check up because I was not filling well. While standing in line she was confronted by two older African American ladies, who were both upset. They called her names and taunted her. All this was because I was mixed, my dad being black and my mom white blacks looked down on this still, and while growing up I was going to have to face obstacles like this. Because I was a mixed African American I would grow up with people who might ask me questions like,"why are you that color", "is your dad black or white", and even "are you mexican"? I can't recall how many times my mother would tell me this, but glad she did sit on that couch and tell me that story though short a important lesson learned. As today I still get asked those questions and even some blacks dislike me because I'm not like them. Either way mom would always say "you are who you are and be proud of it".

    Friday, September 24, 2010

    Sister Flowers Question #2

    Are people that are unable to go to school smarter than college professors? Yes I do agree some people, that do not attend school are smarter than college professors. I think people learn outside of school or that  don't attend school pick up knowledge from other people. I also just call it some people have more common sense than others. For instance take my g/f for example if you put her in front of a book for a hour she can recite the content to you. Then if you ask her a common sense question you'll get a completely blonde answer in response. Same withe people that didn't attend school they probably picked up knowledge on something from someone else or from doing there own reading if able. Just being exposed to something will increase your knowledge on the subject. So a college professor who is smart, is probably smart in a certain area like Math, English, or Physics. But when you put the two together and make them answer a question of common sense that the professor has not been exposed to but the person who has no school has. Chances are most likely the person without the schooling is going to know the question. I also think the environment that your raised in can play a big role on how you learn and how much you can take in as a person teacher or not. Otherwise I also believe that people who don't go to school, some are smarter than college professors. Why do I think this, because once again there just exposed to more in real life and have to find other methods of learning not just by the book. A professor concentrates on a subject not a variety of things. Another example no offense to you, If you put us in a room and give us a test about cars how they function and all and say you have no knowledge of cars, chances are I'll probably score higher not because I'm smarter per say but because I've been around it more and have picked up knowledge on the subject that you may have not have about vehicles. So I do agree with the question but also think your environment plays a big roll on what you know as a person or as a professor.

    Wednesday, September 22, 2010

    Subjects interested in for Task Two

    Respond to your blog, subjects that you are interested in interviewing and writing about for Task Two.

    For Task Two I am going to write about my oldest sibling Kyle Ziemann and why he isn't going back to school.
    • Why are you interested in these subjects?
    • Im interested in this subject because he's my oldest brother, and why he isn't going back to school to further his education.
    • What makes him/her interesting and unique?
    • Because he's my older brother and may have a complete different opinion on education, than what I have. He is also a MMA fighter, and works as a prison guard, so that may alter his opinion on the questions
    • What sort of questions would you ask and why?
    • Not sure, think there going to be about why he isn't taking his education farther. Because of what his background is and what he does right now he probably thinks different about higher education.
    • What sort of problems do you think may arise for Task Two?
    • My questions not being clear enough or not getting a clear answer to a question.
    • What do you anticipate? Why?
    • That this paper is not going to be easy, because Im going to have to go off of his answers. I will have to use supporting details somehow in this paper, but those will have to come from his side not from my memory.
    • What questions do you have for Task Two?
    • Not to sure on what kind of questions to ask him, I'm kinda stumped there but i'll give it a try.
    • Why are you not going back to school?
    • Do you think a higher education is needed for everyday life?
    • How can more education help you or not help you later on in the future?



    What is the thesis for your paper?

    My thesis for the paper was, that Zach got up everyday to medication and intermediate cathertization. While doing so he always stayed positive about it. Therefore being a inspiration to me in my everyday experiences and life.

    List the main points you make in your paper.

    -That Zach suffered from SpinaBifida everyday of his life.
    -He always kept a clear head, and thought positive everyday.
    -By him staying positive, made me fill that if he could do it so could I.
    -Some of the other main points were the supporting details.

    What was the most helpful advice you received from your peer evaluation?
    I really didn't get any helpful advice from my peer's, they read it and told me it sounded good.

    What was the most helpful information you received in class for your paper?
    To show supporting details, or describe experiences that support my thesis.

    How many drafts of this paper do you think you wrote and how/when did you write them? For example, did you compose at the keyboard, did you write lots of notes to yourself, did you pre-write or outline, did you write in small chunks of time or sit down and produce an entire draft at one sitting?

    I wrote two drafts and revised the second one as well as turning it in so you could revise it, and glad I did. I didn't write any notes to myself it was done by memory that I have of the past. I wrote the paper during seperate times,as I had to take a break sometimes and think what to write.

    What would you do differently with this paper to make it more effectively, or what did you try to do that you just don’t think you got a good handle on?

    I believe my thesis could have been better, I tried but it was kinda a hard subject. My thesis was a pain I just didn't really know how to word it.

    What are most pleased with about this paper?

    That I finished it on time, in the past I would of been lucky to write half a page. I actually tried to understand the concept of the paper, and put real effort in it. Though at times it was difficult I kept on going, and I also think I did good with the supporting details in the paper.

    Sunday, September 12, 2010

    My response to Fill in the Blanks

    My topic is my little brother, and the assertion is how he was a positive influence in my life. I would like for the reader to understand that even though he was disabled he was still a big impact on how i view life.

    Thursday, September 9, 2010

    "On Becoming a Chicano"

    Labels can easily determine how someone or something is viewed. Such example I think would be like a Pit Bull people have labeled them as a bad dog, due to their sometimes, violent nature. But in this case it is a label of race telling of how a race may be looked at and judged because of what others may do or say. Like my own race of African American we have a label as being loud obnoxious people, or start trouble or just get into trouble. In some ways this is true but the African American race can also be just like anybody else quiet,easy to get along with, outgoing, and eager to be successful in life. Such as someone may see me and think "oh great here comes the African American", that I fill is labeling without knowing who or what the person is about and making up your mind before you even know the person or what something is really about. 
    Rodriguez changes in the fact that he starts out viewing himself as a Mexican American otherwise known as a Chicano being close to family and friends. As he stared out in grade school one major thing took effect and that was his environment that he was in was different outside of his family's environment He chose to speak different as well. At this point he was viewed as a Chicano in the eyes of other classmates and employees at his school. He also states that he feels guilty to represent a non-academic cultural in another words he labels himself pretty much. His next change was that of language being of his descent he was comfortable speaking Spanish. This became a problem as he was around people who knew English. This caused some problems as he couldn't communicate as well with others so he had to take on more of the English language. So he takes on the name of the "gringo" as he was moving up from his current point among people. Later in the passage he was also called a "pocho" because his education level was higher, though pocho was seen as a Mexican with gringo habits. All three words have there meanings of what they are and throughout the passage he shows all of them whether being a Chicano with family and friends or being called a pocho, or gringo from others. In the end he was still a Chicano to family and good friends.

    Wednesday, September 8, 2010

    "How it Feels to Be Colored Me" Question

    Why does Hurston use the phrase "extenuating circumstances"? That's a good question, I believe she is trying to say that she is different than other blacks in the United States she isn't indian and sees herself as a regular human being . I'm not to sure really that's a tough question. Thats what I believe it meant. She used that phrase saying that extenuating circumstances because she doesn't see herself as a threat to others even though she is a black woman. I believe she is serious about her race but at the same time she feels mutual, as it states in the reading "At certain times I have no race". meaning she is comfortable with herself whether she is black, white, or asian, making it known that it doesn't matter what you are that were all human regardless. Even when she is around all whites she still fills herself as being her she acknowledges she's black but doesn't pay attention to the fact, even if the environment that she is in is different such as being around a different ethnic group. 

    Tuesday, September 7, 2010

    Response to one question for "Rite of Passage"

    Well to start off I don't have any memory of my actual grandparents, but there is someone who did mean alot to me, and that was my aunt's mother. I have some memory of my aunts mom, who more less was my grandma. Every Thanksgiving grandmas house was the place to be with friends, family, and not immediate family. She was always a happy person always had a smile on her face whether or not something negative was going on or if she was having a bad day. Whenever we had family problems she was the lady to go to so we could vent and get things out as she was a very understanding individual and looked at things from both views. In another words she was just the person you could depend on know matter what.

    Grandma what a lady you never knew what she had in store for you. There was one evening when know one was getting along, everybody was having one of those days. Well for some odd reason it decided to rain that day and were she lived if it rained the bridge to get out would be flooded over by the small creek. And of course thats exactly what happen, so the whole family ended up being stuck there for few hours before the creek would lower. She did nothing but talk positive to us as we were fighting about small things as we all do. But somehow by the time we left she had us all getting along and, "Not wanting to take each other outside with a baseball bat", as my mother would say. Somehow in that old but lovely heart she was always a inspiration to us all and left us all with smiles on our faces know matter what the case was.

    What I might write about for task one.

    I have alot I could write about for task one. My older brother kyle who is a professional MMA fighter, My younger brother Zach who passed away , or even my mom in just in general how she has been a strong women in raising 5 boys. Im thinking about writing about one of my family members and how they have either influenced or affected my life in general. I dont really know of any problems that may come up while doing so, other than either one is going to be a tough topic to write about.

    Wednesday, September 1, 2010

    A Little About Josh Ziemann

    My name is Josh Ziemann and I graduated from Cameron R-1 Class Of 2003. While attending High School I also graduated from Art Instruction School. After graduating I wasn't certain on what I wanted to do in the career field. I am now after 7 years of wondering what would suit me best, going to pursue a degree as A Assistant Physical Therapist. I enjoy helping others who are disabled or in need of help. Two of my younger brothers were born with Spinabifida so I understand what people go through, and have learned how to appreciate life and others.

    I was born June 29, 1984 in Harrisonville, Mo. I lived in Grandview, Mo, which is where I went to elementary school. After my 6th grade year my family and I moved to a small town by the name of Weatherby, Mo were I was home schooled for my seventh grade year. The following year I then was enrolled into Maysville R-1 we’re I completed my 8th grade year. After that year my family decided it was time to move again, which we relocated to Cameron, Mo, were I finished my high school years. Besides basics of were I lived a couple of my passions are cars, and making others smile and laugh. Perhaps one day I may collect cars and I may purchase a vehicle from you. Who knows though you never know what the future may bring.

    Now I'll be honest I've never been a big fan of reading or writing, there just not my favorite things to do. But when I actually sit and look at things from a different perspective both come into play in my life alot. Example: (while I'm at work if I don't read or write down a task that has been done or needs to be done it could lead to some kind of punishment). Outside of the workplace I also read and keep up in current events through the Newspapers, Magazines, and current Car Magazines. While working on my own vehicle I read and have to understand what it is I'm reading or I could cause damage to my vehicle, or possibly someone else's vehicle like yours and I don't think that would make I or yourself to happy. So I do use reading and writing in different environments and in everyday life without realizing I do so.

    My inspiration for coming back to school was because of family and good friends, and the desire to better myself as a person. I'm also tired of making Thirty to Thirty Five Thousand in a year just doesn't cut it anymore. Lets see my favorite color is blue, and favorite T.V. Channel is the Speed Channel. I love to just drive to take my mind off of things so I can think clearly. I’m friendly and a very approachable person, and probably by far the easiest person you can get along with.