A Little About Myself

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Puerto Rican Childhood, Question for Reflection and Writing

Cuento, is a Spanish word meaning literally "story" or "tale". Cuento may specifically refer to folk tales, a category of folklore that includes stories passed down through oral tradition. For example, when you were young your mom might have told you a cuento. A cuento could be like, Little Red Riding Hood, or The Three Little Pigs, and even Cinderella. All those are cuentos story's or a fairy tale your mom might have read to you while you were little. In the reading of A Partial Remembrance of a Puerto Rican Childhood the word is used in the same manner, except that the cuento is based on telling about what it was like to be a Puerto Rican woman, about a real life subject. The passage talks about life on the island and life in the United States, New York City, and California and tells the story or cuento of a Puerto Rican woman. For example, I am going to attempt to write a short cuento about what I experienced when I was younger.
As I would sit there calm, being quiet sitting in front of the couch. My mother Donella, would sit behind me while braiding my hair, and tell me things I might face in my life being a mixed African American. One story that has always stuck with me, for some reason it hit me the most. She told me that when I was  six years of age, she took me to the doctor's office, known as Kaiser Permante in Kansas City, MO. I was there to get a check up because I was not filling well. While standing in line she was confronted by two older African American ladies, who were both upset. They called her names and taunted her. All this was because I was mixed, my dad being black and my mom white blacks looked down on this still, and while growing up I was going to have to face obstacles like this. Because I was a mixed African American I would grow up with people who might ask me questions like,"why are you that color", "is your dad black or white", and even "are you mexican"? I can't recall how many times my mother would tell me this, but glad she did sit on that couch and tell me that story though short a important lesson learned. As today I still get asked those questions and even some blacks dislike me because I'm not like them. Either way mom would always say "you are who you are and be proud of it".

1 comment:

  1. HI Josh,

    You did a spectacular job. Thank you for defining and identifying what a "Cuento" is. I also enjoyed your example of a "Cuento." Did you mother actually braid your hair :) Now this is a story you can tell with your children. Thank you for sharing your experiences with that of the author.

    Keep up the good work!

    Ms. C
