A Little About Myself

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Experiences with reading and writing

  English 100, not what I had expected. When I came into this class I was worried about if I was going to struggle, and really have to fight to succeed in this class. I have never been big on reading and writing just always would barely do what I had to in order to get by. I was wrong in this case this course has showed me that reading and writing can be useful in personal gain, as in releasing feelings or just being able to express what you know in a different format. I came in thinking I was going to be writing paper after paper which I have in a way, but nothing has gone as bad as I thought it would. Working with Blogger.com has been a amazing experience and something that I have enjoyed in my writing. Other student essays that I have read have helped me to see that it is ok too put yourself out there, and whatever has gone on in your life you shouldn't be ashamed of, as we all are different and have our own experiences, and opinions on issues. Sometimes during reading an essay I wouldn't understand but through class discussions it has helped me to understand more of what I have read or will read in the future. Not only can I write a paper now, but can read a essay and analyze and summarize it after reading. That is something before if you asked me to do I would of just looked at you with the expression of what the heck are you talking about. Now that I have taken this course I feel that I have learned things I didn't know, and things I have forgotten. I can now actually sit and read an essay and not stop until I have completed the reading and I have a full understanding of it. My writing as came from nowhere because of this course, and having a teacher that actually relates to you as a student and will acknowledge if struggling. By writing these papers it has helped me out in my other classes as I wasn't getting the grades I wanted on other papers written for rest of my classes. I have come to enjoy reading in a way and writing, and just how I can release and how I fell and see how many people I can actually relate to with there fillings, past experience, struggles, and happy moments of overcoming the fear of something.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Josh,

    I'm glad that this semester has been a welcoming learning experience for you. I hope this process will continue onto 104. Reading and writing make a difference in our lives whether we like to admit it or not. It plays a role in each career. For instance, what do you intend to go into? You may begin to consider how reading and writing will affect you in your choice career.

    Onto the writing you did the day we discussed Task Four -- you wrote a list of ideas of which include:

    1) Barbara Jordan's Becoming Educated
    2) What education means to you
    3) How education has affected your life
    4) What becoming homeschooled in 7th grade did for your education
    5) How is becoming educated now going to help you in the long run
    6) What you believe becoming educated truly means

    So the question I would like to ask you is how do these themes apply to reading and writing and to learning. You write much about your experiences to 100. Is there a way to connect Jordan's essay to what you have learned this semester?

    Ms. C
