A Little About Myself

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

A Little About Josh Ziemann

My name is Josh Ziemann and I graduated from Cameron R-1 Class Of 2003. While attending High School I also graduated from Art Instruction School. After graduating I wasn't certain on what I wanted to do in the career field. I am now after 7 years of wondering what would suit me best, going to pursue a degree as A Assistant Physical Therapist. I enjoy helping others who are disabled or in need of help. Two of my younger brothers were born with Spinabifida so I understand what people go through, and have learned how to appreciate life and others.

I was born June 29, 1984 in Harrisonville, Mo. I lived in Grandview, Mo, which is where I went to elementary school. After my 6th grade year my family and I moved to a small town by the name of Weatherby, Mo were I was home schooled for my seventh grade year. The following year I then was enrolled into Maysville R-1 we’re I completed my 8th grade year. After that year my family decided it was time to move again, which we relocated to Cameron, Mo, were I finished my high school years. Besides basics of were I lived a couple of my passions are cars, and making others smile and laugh. Perhaps one day I may collect cars and I may purchase a vehicle from you. Who knows though you never know what the future may bring.

Now I'll be honest I've never been a big fan of reading or writing, there just not my favorite things to do. But when I actually sit and look at things from a different perspective both come into play in my life alot. Example: (while I'm at work if I don't read or write down a task that has been done or needs to be done it could lead to some kind of punishment). Outside of the workplace I also read and keep up in current events through the Newspapers, Magazines, and current Car Magazines. While working on my own vehicle I read and have to understand what it is I'm reading or I could cause damage to my vehicle, or possibly someone else's vehicle like yours and I don't think that would make I or yourself to happy. So I do use reading and writing in different environments and in everyday life without realizing I do so.

My inspiration for coming back to school was because of family and good friends, and the desire to better myself as a person. I'm also tired of making Thirty to Thirty Five Thousand in a year just doesn't cut it anymore. Lets see my favorite color is blue, and favorite T.V. Channel is the Speed Channel. I love to just drive to take my mind off of things so I can think clearly. I’m friendly and a very approachable person, and probably by far the easiest person you can get along with.  


  1. HI Josh,

    Thank you for sharing. It appears that you have a well-rounded outlook of what you would like in your life. You have certainly been through enough to have a good grasp on what you would like to do with your life, which I commend you on.

    Is there a reason why you have put off school?

    I understand your interactions with reading and writing. Many of us may feel overwhelmed or bored by it; however, I wonder if it is because you haven't found what you may be interested in. Just a thought :)

    I look forward to having you has a student and I hope we can regain your interest in reading and writing ( or at least one of these areas).

    Ms. Chastain

  2. Hi Ms. Chastain,

    Thats a good question, well I personally did'nt want to put off school it's just what happened with events that took place. Events that I'm going through once again. While I was in high school my mom worked a full time job and my aunt is the one that had the responsiblitiy of taking care of us, well too make it short she got cancer and I took on the job as well as trying to deal with school. Week after graduating I and my family went through difficult times so I ended up being kicked out pretty much. After that event I had to grow even faster take on a job to support myself for things I needed like a roof over my head. On your other statement you might be right it takes alot for me to be interested in something I get bored easily if its not appealing to me. Thank you I also look foward to being a student in your class so far I have really enjoyed your class!

  3. Hi Josh,

    I can tell by Task One that you have been through quite a bit. You seem to be a very polite person who has a great outlook on life. I wish you the best. Sometimes it is not easy coming back to school, but it can be for the best because of your mindset.
