A Little About Myself

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Richard Rodriguez questions for reflection and writing

My relationship with books is not a big one, I usually try to avoid reading if at all cost. Throughout growing up I have never had reading pushed on me, or have someone really control what I read, except for like 4th grade when we were given incentive to read and write book reports. If we did do the task of actually reading the book and doing the book report we would receive a book it which was like a coupon you could use at pizza hut for a reward, of you reading the book. Throughout school I have also been distant from reading because through my elementary and Jr high school years It came to my attention that I had a speech problem, one that I still do today though not as bad. I had to take a speech class for stuttering, something that has always been embarrassing to me, and what made it worse was I had to read aloud in class were other students would make fun and laugh at me of course. After that I don't really read unless it's over an assignment or something I love to do. Like Rodriguez my aunt and my mom were both avid readers. Though they never forced it on me, and knew if they did it would of been pointless because I probably wouldn't of even tried to read any of the books. Throughout the years I have improved on that concept now  I'll read an assignment and not even think about it, now being back in school and having been through so much I have the desire to take it upon myself and read. Like Rodriguez in a way as well when I read thing's I didn't always comprehend things to well. Through time I have learned to do so, I remember on the day of my registering I was nervous about taking a place test for reading. Going into that test I stayed confident that I could read the material and understand it and that's exactly what I did testing out of reading something I probably would of never done before. As time goes on we all use reading in some form whether be at school, work, or on the Internet you have to read. Rodriguez was bound to read even  though his parent's didn't really approve of it. My aunt in the same way kinda helped discouraging me from reading, and do what I had to do to get by. I didn't like the idea of that and decided to start reading on something I enjoy. No, it may not of been big classics, but just book on cars mostly and some scary, though my favorite book is white fang. Rodriguez and I have things in common, Though now things are a little different, with time reading changes as so did Rodriguez and so am I..

1 comment:

  1. Hi Josh,

    I'm very happy with the connection you have with Rodriguez. You tell us that your aunt and mom were avid readers, but that it was not pushed on you. Why do you think they did not encourage you to read if they were avid readers?

    I know that you are curious as to use Rodriguez's essay, I hope that some of the things we talked about is helpful when writing Task Four.

    Ms. C
