A Little About Myself

Friday, September 24, 2010

Sister Flowers Question #2

Are people that are unable to go to school smarter than college professors? Yes I do agree some people, that do not attend school are smarter than college professors. I think people learn outside of school or that  don't attend school pick up knowledge from other people. I also just call it some people have more common sense than others. For instance take my g/f for example if you put her in front of a book for a hour she can recite the content to you. Then if you ask her a common sense question you'll get a completely blonde answer in response. Same withe people that didn't attend school they probably picked up knowledge on something from someone else or from doing there own reading if able. Just being exposed to something will increase your knowledge on the subject. So a college professor who is smart, is probably smart in a certain area like Math, English, or Physics. But when you put the two together and make them answer a question of common sense that the professor has not been exposed to but the person who has no school has. Chances are most likely the person without the schooling is going to know the question. I also think the environment that your raised in can play a big role on how you learn and how much you can take in as a person teacher or not. Otherwise I also believe that people who don't go to school, some are smarter than college professors. Why do I think this, because once again there just exposed to more in real life and have to find other methods of learning not just by the book. A professor concentrates on a subject not a variety of things. Another example no offense to you, If you put us in a room and give us a test about cars how they function and all and say you have no knowledge of cars, chances are I'll probably score higher not because I'm smarter per say but because I've been around it more and have picked up knowledge on the subject that you may have not have about vehicles. So I do agree with the question but also think your environment plays a big roll on what you know as a person or as a professor.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Josh,

    I think you raise an excellent point. Just because someone is educated in a specific area does not make that person "better" or more intelligent in all aspects of life; rather, this person is more knowledgeable in a particular area.

    Ms. C
